Manual Transmission Systems MTS Systems Industrial Manual Transmission Shifter - Transmission X-Y Kits
【 Product Description 】
The MTS is ideal for cab-over-engine and rear engine buses, but can be used in other applications like off-highway/heavy equipment (tractors, loaders, agricultural sprayers, telehandlers) and in specialty vehicles such as mobile cranes, fire trucks, garbage trucks, oil field equipment, mining equipment and concrete pumpers.
【 Applications 】 • Specialty vehicles, where operator is remote to transmission — Mobile cranes Fire trucks Garbage trucks Oil field equipment Mining equipment Concrete pumpers
【 Features 】
【 Transmission X-Y Kits 】
【 ZF Transmissions 】
For ZF transmissions, provide drawings of the particular version of the transmission you plan to use.
These drawings should show:
A. The location and orientation of the shift control shaft.
B. The direction of the control shaft movement when selecting the reverse and/or first gear rail.